Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Told you Solamia was going to get bad...

U.N. Says Somalis Helped Hezbollah Fighters

Published: November 15, 2006

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 14 — More than 700 Islamic militants from Somalia traveled to Lebanon in July to fight alongside Hezbollah in its war against Israel, a United Nations report says. The militia in Lebanon returned the favor by providing training and — through its patrons Iran and Syria — weapons to the Islamic alliance struggling for control of Somalia, it adds.

The report, which was disclosed by Reuters on Monday, appears to be the first indication that foreign fighters assisted Hezbollah during the 34-day conflict, when Israel maintained a tight blockade on Lebanon.

The report also says Iran sought to trade arms for uranium from Somalia to further its nuclear ambitions, though it does not say whether Iran succeeded.

The 86-page report was issued by four experts monitoring violations of a 1992 United Nations arms embargo on Somalia, which was put in place after the country lapsed into civil war and remains in effect. The report is to be discussed Friday at the Security Council.

The panel does not say how the information was obtained. But the members had access to information from the intelligence agencies of the Security Council’s 15 current members, including Britain, France, China, Russia and the United States, a United Nations official said.

Any involvement by Somalis would be surprising because Hezbollah’s effectiveness is widely attributed to its deep familiarity with the region.

Hezbollah officials could not be reached Tuesday night for comment.

An official at the Israeli mission to the United Nations said he had not seen the report, and was not aware of any Somali fighters having taken part in the conflict with Hezbollah. The official asked not to be identified, citing diplomatic protocol.

While the sources of the information remain unclear, the report is dense with details about arms shipments to the groups vying for power in Somalia.

It states that in mid-July, Aden Hashi Farah, a leader of the Somali Islamist alliance, personally selected about 720 combat-hardened fighters to travel to Lebanon and fight alongside Hezbollah.

At least 100 Somalis had returned by early September — with five Hezbollah members — while others stayed on in Lebanon for advanced military training, the report says. It is not clear how many may have been killed, though the report says some were wounded and later treated after their return to Somalia.

The fighters were paid a minimum of $2,000 for their service, the report says, and as much as $30,000 was to be given to the families of those killed, with money donated by “a number of supporting countries.”

In addition to training some Somali militants, Hezbollah “arranged for additional support to be given” by Iran and Syria, including weapons, the report found. On July 27, 200 Somali fighters also traveled to Syria to be trained in guerrilla warfare, the report says.

It also indicates that Iran appears to have sought help in its quest for uranium in Dusa Mareb, the hometown of Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, the leader of the Islamist alliance in Somalia, which is known as the Council of Islamic Courts.

“At the time of the writing of this report, there were two Iranians in Dusa Mareb engaged on matters linked to the exploration of uranium in exchange for arms” for the Council of Islamic Courts, says the report, which is dated Oct. 16.

Those claims, if proved, could worsen global tensions over Iran’s nuclear program. Iran ignored an Aug. 31 deadline to suspend its uranium enrichment, and the United States has been leading a United Nations effort to impose sanctions.

The United Nations report is focused mostly on the increasingly volatile situation in Somalia, where Islamists took control of the capital, Mogadishu, in June from warlords backed by the United States.

Not only has the volume of arms flowing into Somalia grown, according to the authors, but more sophisticated weapons like surface-to-air missiles are being brought in. The conflict could grow into a regional war, with Somalia’s neighbors, Ethiopia and Eritrea, backing opposing sides.

The report also accuses Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Syria of supplying the Somali Islamists with arms, advisers and fighters. It says three nations — Ethiopia, Uganda and Yemen — are aligned with the so-called transitional government based in Baidoa, an inland city.

Asked about violations of the arms embargo, the report states, officials in those countries either denied any involvement or failed to answer.

The report recommends that the Security Council blockade Somalia. It also warns urgently against sending any peacekeepers to the country, saying such a force could become “the catalyst that sparks a serious military confrontation between the opposing sides.”

Monday, November 13, 2006



Our Towns

TimesSelect A Survivor Reflects on Political Casualties, and Real Ones

Thomas McDonald for The New York Times

Christopher Shays, with his daughter, Jeramy, and wife, Betsi, speaking to supporters on Tuesday night after winning re-election.

Published: November 12, 2006

Bridgeport, Conn.

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The Empire Zone

The Empire ZoneCoverage of politics in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

Sitting in the sun on the balcony of his house overlooking the Long Island Sound on Thursday, Representative Christopher Shays rubbed his eyes, rubbed his temples, jumped up to take a congratulatory call from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, and plopped back wearily into a white plastic chair.

Like the only survivor of a hotel fire, he was a little hesitant to draw too many conclusions but glad he was alive.

“I’m only two days into this,” said Mr. Shays, after narrowly beating Diane G. Farrell to keep the seat in Congress he has held since 1987. “The first day you try to get your sleep. The second day you try to think about what happened to your friends.”

Many of them were the Republicans who were washed out to sea in the Democratic tide. Mr. Shays was one of the few Republicans among perhaps two dozen seen as vulnerable back in September who managed to survive. He was the only one of the three Republican incumbents from Connecticut who won re-election. When he went to Congress, he was one of nine Republican representatives from the six New England states. In the next Congress, he will be the only one.

And he won the race the hard way. He had a highly regarded, well-funded opponent. He supported the war in Iraq, if not the way it was executed. He agreed to take part in 11 debates. He did not run negative ads. He lost most of the key newspaper endorsements. His district, the Fourth, was solidly antiwar.

Some things you can learn from a guy who bucked the tide and won. Some you can’t. Mr. Shays no doubt benefited from his reputation for being an effective congressman and for a maverick’s image going back to the State Legislature in the mid-1980s. He has burnished that image in Congress ever since he got there.

He showed up at every campaign event with a 54-page booklet of positions, votes, achievements and federal spending in the district — not sexy but informative. He was able to convince people, in a way that the state’s two other Republicans, Nancy L. Johnson and Rob Simmons, were not, that if they wanted change, he was still enough of an outsider to offer it. He ran without apology on the war, saying it was a noble effort that had been botched but could still be saved. And he rejected the notion of a consultant-driven, cookie-cutter campaign with the requisite attack ads. He ran the campaign his way, and he made it work.

“By being willing to lose the election, I won the election,” Mr. Shays said. “Because from the start I was willing to lose rather than to win the wrong way. And I think of some of my colleagues that have lost around the country, and I think, boy, I would never want to go out that way.”

Of course, one voter’s maverick may be one colleague’s grandstanding egotist. It’s likely that some of Mr. Shays’s fellow party members were more eager to keep his seat Republican than to see the guy sitting in it be re-elected. But he figures that if ever the party needs in-house critics, it’s now.

“We lost our moral authority to lead,” he said. “Power in and of itself does not justify holding power.”

He said that when the party looked the other way at its ethical failings over the years, it was ambling toward disaster that finally arrived in the House page scandal.

“As soon as Foley came up, I knew it. You could feel it. I said, ‘We’re dead.’ ”

BUT, of course, there were casualties that mattered a lot more than the election ones.

“I don’t know how you’ll react to this, but I also want to say this,” he said on Tuesday night in his victory speech, interrupting the election night ritualistic hoopla with a jolt of reality. He read four names: “Wilfredo Perez. Tyanna Avery-Felder. Jack Dempsey. Nicholas Maderas. I sent them to Iraq, and they came home draped in American flags.

“I think about them almost every day of my life. And when the press talked about how tormented I must feel,” he said, referring to the possibility of losing the election, “they just didn’t get it. They just didn’t get it. The only torment I feel is for those families. And I pray that we can make it right for these families, and that we will find a way to have our men and women come home from success not failure, but that we find a way to bring them home.”

No one who knows him doubts his sincerity. But no one knows better than Mr. Shays that good intentions can be trumped by bad results. He knows in the end he will be judged more on what happens in the war fought by Specialist Perez, Specialist Avery-Felder, Corporal Dempsey and Private Maderas than on whether he ran a perfect race and held off Ms. Farrell, withstood the raging tides and kept his seat two more years.


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