Sunday, August 28, 2005


Fucked UP

Ok, we saw the withdrawal of the Jewsih asshole extremists, the settlers, form Gaza. Now, we see the Mulsim asshole extremists, the militant wings of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the many corrupt warlords, rising in Gaza.

Fuck the Sharon Government, without any kind of cooperation or attmpt to help Abbas, Sharon just up and leaves a war zone, a junk yard, a disaster area with now no centralzied authority, and Abbas is just suppsoed to be able to magically fix everything.

Abbas needs help, but the Israelis and the entrenched Palestinian power holders have undermined and undermined and undermined him; Europeans and Americans have so far provided little concrete support for him, and other Arab goverments? They've pledged $$$, but let's see if that actaully comes through.

Some fucking asshole from Islamic Jihad, a terrorist organization, blew himself up in Israel, wounding at least 27 people. Mr. Sharon, instead of using any kind of restraint, will most likley go apeshit on Gaza instead of letting Mr. Abbas attempt to deal with the problem internally. More undermining of Abbas, and I love the logic the Israeli's use. Abbas has little real authority, in a Gaza left in choas because Israel refused to work at all with him in planning the withdrawal. Oh yeah, and the Israeli's actively undermined him. SO THEY blame any violence on "his unwillingness to confront terrorism?" As if Abbas can control every person in Gaza at this point in time? It's ludicrous.

The Religious Right in Israel, those settlers and colonists, and the extremist terrorist Palestinians, have failed their people and brought nothign but misery to both their lands.

And if it seems I'm harder on Israel? I am. Why? The Occupied territories have never had responsible government: they've either been too weak, like today, or really corrupt and stupid, as it was under Arafat. The people have never had a say in their "goverment," they have been powerless to affect their leaders to bring about better policies. They cannot be held responsible if they live under dictator. And let's remember, Arafat's approval rating were way under 40%, in the low 30's, that's even worse than Bush, and his own people really had started to hate him there. There was talk of him stepping aside, but after the Israeli's placed the aging despot under seige and were assaulting his HQ in Ramallah for months as the world watched, the Palestinian peolpe rallied behind their leader and began to see him again as a hero, heroically resisting the Israeli's. He can thank the Sharon government for his comeback. So here's the deal: If a democracy, like Israel, decides to colonize lands that are they have not occuped since the Roman Empire kicked them out well over 1000 years ago, and to make life miserable for them by doing absolutley nothign for them while taking all their best land and bringing tanks and troops to give these colonizers the right to do anything they want, more or less, and this goes on for 38 years, so that, in the case of Gaza, you have less than 9,000 jewish settlers dictating-and ruining-the lives of 1,300,000 palestinians, while the settlers live in modern housing complex and the Palestinians live in the worst poverty in the world (worse than Africa), live in refugee camps and depend on UN handouts, and the land is PALESTINIAN NOT ISRAELI (Yes religious Jews, I know God promised you the land but guess what? The Mulsim palestinian there, who doesn't really believe in your God, have their own set of beliefs, and your claim from nearly 2000 years ago is not more valid than his claim to live on his own fucking land).... YES! I will judge a democracy that for 38 years accepts this, the people can vote and Israeli's could end this occupation if they want... YES I will judge the state and people of Israel more hrashly than I will judge the Palestian peolpe, who have had no control over their own destiny.

So now Sharon's actions will empower the the terrorists in Gaza, and poor Abbas- a man who sincerely wants to help his people and end the violence, and have two states living in peace, will have his hands full. If the terrorists don't kill him 1st.

August 28, 2005

GAZA, Aug. 27 - One of Israel's most wanted men, the Hamas military leader Muhammad Deif, issued a video on Saturday in which he warns the Palestinian Authority not to try to confiscate Hamas's weapons and promises Israelis that "all of Palestine will become a hell" for them.

"Today you have left the hell of Gaza in shame but have not gotten out completely, as you continue to occupy Palestine," said Mr. Deif, whose face is in shadow as he spoke in his hallmark deep voice and identified himself by name. "We tell the Zionists who have tarnished our soil, we tell you that all of Palestine will become a hell."

The video was released as details emerged here of a separate challenge to the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas. Knowledgeable Palestinians disclosed in interviews that the release of a French television journalist on Monday was a result of a deal between Mr. Abbas and leaders of a prominent clan, who had kidnapped the journalist. Mr. Abbas released six members of the Issa clan from prison last week, including convicted murderers, to secure the release of the journalist Muhammad Ouathi, 46.

Until now, no motive had been given for the kidnapping. Mr. Abbas had been pressured by the French president, Jacques Chirac, to do all he could to free Mr. Ouathi, a television soundman.

Some senior Palestinian officials and some advisers to Mr. Abbas here, including a prominent psychiatrist, Dr. Eyad Sarraj, said that they had counseled him against the release but that he felt he had to act, even against the advice of his attorney general. Some considered the release a humiliation for Mr. Abbas and warned that it could lead to further kidnappings. They said the episode was an indication of the lawlessness that continues in Gaza and of the power of the clans, or hamullas.

Mr. Deif, 39, is the commander of Hamas's armed wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades. He was born in Khan Yunis, lost an eye when the Israeli military rocket attacked his car in September 2002 and is accused of directing a series of suicide bombings and other attacks on Israel from 1996 to the present. Few images of him exist.

His video, which was delivered to news agencies in Gaza City, has a harsh warning for Mr. Abbas, who has called on Hamas and other radical militant groups, like Islamic Jihad, Fatah's Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades and the local Popular Resistance Committee, to disarm after Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip.

"We warn all those who try to touch the weapons of those who liberated Gaza," Mr. Deif said. "These arms must be used to free our occupied motherland."

Mr. Abbas argues that negotiation and an end to the armed struggle is the best way to achieve an independent Palestinian state. He insists that the militants keep the truce and not give Israel any reason to attack them or torpedo any agreements.

But Mr. Deif's comments echo the Hamas claim that it is the "resistance" that has forced Israel to pull out of Gaza, primarily because of Hamas's rocket, mortar and suicide bombing attacks, and the Hamas insistence that the war must continue to free the West Bank, Jerusalem and, under the Hamas charter, all of British Mandate Palestine, including Israel.

"To the brothers of the Palestinian Authority, the liberation of Gaza has been realized thanks to the sincere actions of the mujahedeen, and as a consequence our weapons will stay in our hands," he says on the video.

His position was reflected in a huge Hamas march in the bright sun on Friday from Jabaliya refugee camp to Beit Lahiya to celebrate the supposed victory of Hamas in driving Israel out of Gaza. More than 5,000 people, including a number of young children, marched under green Hamas banners that vowed, "We will continue," carried flags that combined the Palestinian and Hamas standards and wore green Hamas baseball caps stating, "There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet."

One banner read in English, for the foreign press, "Four years of pain is better than 10 years in vain." But the Arabic version was clearer: "Four years of resistance is better than 10 years of negotiation."

Mr. Deif's brigades make up a well-equipped, well-trained and motivated army of at least 5,000 men, Avi Dichter, the former head of Shin Bet, Israel's counterterrorism agency, said in an interview.

On Friday, perhaps 500 of his men marched with antitank rockets, automatic rifles and submachine guns. The Palestinian Authority has said that militants should not carry guns in the street. Hamas marchers, unusually, did not fire their weapons into the air, even though a van with a loudspeaker played recordings of automatic weapons fire and of explosions that were described as the suicide bombings of martyrs.

New posters showed a Rambo-like masked Hamas fighter stepping on the red-tile roofs of Israeli settlement homes while small, black-clad settlers in side-curls fled in terror.

There were also many women marching, a number of them wearing full covering - swathed in black, including the hands, with slits to see through, and topped by the green Hamas caps. Some carried or led young boys and girls dressed in military uniforms, carrying plastic guns.

One mother, Naima Abdullah, 35, called herself "a daughter of Hamas" and said that she had "chosen the path of God." Hamas, she said, "played the largest role in the resistance," and she added, "Now it's time for Hamas to participate in the government of Palestine."

Samah Bader, 15, when asked why she would walk so far in the hot sun, said: "Happiness. Happiness makes the walking easy."

Ayshah Kahlout, 70, a refugee from Ashkelon, sat in the shade watching the men of Hamas march by with their guns. "I feel like ululating," she said. "I'm very happy. This is part of my land." Asked about the little children in uniform, she said, "I wish I could be pregnant again so I could bear more kids to be soldiers."

But pressed, she said the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza "is a tiny thing, and the evacuation of these little settlements, that's nothing." Hamas was exaggerating its deeds, Mrs. Kahlout said. "The real objective will be all the lands. And the Israelis still control the crossings, the airspace and the sea. This is not even one-quarter of the liberation."

Bush Calls for Terrorism Crackdown

CRAWFORD, Tex., Aug. 27 (Reuters) - President Bush demanded Saturday that the Palestinians respond to the Israeli pullout from Gaza and parts of the West Bank by cracking down on terrorism.

"The way forward is clear," Mr. Bush said in his weekly radio address. "The Palestinians must show the world that they will fight terrorism and govern in a peaceful way."

"We demand an end to terrorism and violence in every form because we know that progress depends on ending terror," he added.

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