Tuesday, August 09, 2005


This guy could cause some problems, once again...

Threatening the stability of the current Israeli government and possibly the Israeli withdrawal from the illegally occupied Gaza strip, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu'recent resignation from PM Sharon's cabinet has caused a stir in Israel.

Netanyahu, even more of right wing hawk than Sharon, clearly has ambitions of becoming Prime Minister again. Back when he was, he did a GREAT, along with Hamas and Arafat's ineptness, of undermining and eventually killing oslo. Yes, a small part of the last example of white colonialism of non-white territory should be ending in this next week; teh question is, how smooth will it be? While there has been some talk between Israeli and Palestinian officials, what has developed is that the U.S. is dealing separately with each in an effort to keep this from getting too unmanageable. Of all the people in Bush's little cliqu, Condi is certainly the best qualified to deal with this. Bust Bush has takena very hand' off approach to the Middle East OTHER than Iraq, so it remains to be seen how much inolvement George wants from condi. Still, it's clear that when enough pressure is put on Israel by America, some positive results can be reached. It seems if it wasn't for us, Israel would still be dragging its feel on getting out of Gaza...Eitehr way, this next week is a major one for the middle east, one of the most importnt in decades. Good thing our President is hard at work.. oh wait, he's on VACA at the RANCH. Fuck him, he should be over there meeting with both Abbas and Sharon now the fucking shmuck.
A young israeli boy, a settler, argues with an Israeli policeman during a protest against the withdrawal from Gaza. What kind of people birng their kids into this, and warp their kids so that their faces become THAT CONTORTED in anger??? Disgusting.

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