Tuesday, August 23, 2005



Ok, my school, Washington and Lee, as mentioned in the Pat Robertson post, just got its rankings from the Princeton Review ( remember them?)

Quite possibly, yuo can downgrademy school from being politically fascist to just being really, really conservative. See, I kept thinking that each incoming class was mroe and more open minded and liberal and generally just chill, and if you went there recently, think about you as a freshman and the seniors you knew and how different you were, then think about you as a senior and the freshman then how different you were from them, and how different THEY WERE FROM THE SENIORS YOU KNEW AS A FRESHMAN!

So what happened is this: ever since 1998, when I started looking at the Priceton Review, Washington and Lee was always always one of the top (like, spots 1 to 3; incidentally, we were # 4 party school in the country, but last year wrist abnds for under 21ers went in place so...) most conservative schools in the country, beating out, many times, even BYU and the military academies; so, for the first time, W&L was not only not high in the ranking for "Students most nostaligic for Ronald Reagan), it wasn't on the 20 school list! OH MY GOD! THERE IS HOPE! :-0

Still, it's pretty damn Republican.

ANYWAY, here are this year's rankings. :-) still goin strong in other, better areas :-p

Washington and Lee University's
Best 361 College Rankings

Click on the list name to see all the schools on that list or
click the category name to see all the lists in the category.
#10Best Overall Academic Experience For UndergraduatesAcademics

#4Professors Get High MarksAcademics

#7Professors Make Themselves AccessibleAcademics

#12School Runs Like ButterAcademics

#14Alternative Lifestyles Not An AlternativeDemographics

#6Homogeneous Student PopulationDemographics

#3Little Race/Class InteractionDemographics

#12Lots Of BeerParties

#2Lots Of Hard LiquorParties

#2Major Frat And Sorority SceneParties

#18Most Beautiful CampusQuality of Life

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