Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Warning about future post

The next post that is coming up... I want to apologize for. It is a truly groundbreaking article. The arguments, and analsyis it sets up, for the deep thinker, will lead to conclusion no one wants to hear, think about, or ever believe. But they are there. No matter how you look at this, this article will significantly lower your opinion of America. In fact, its not about opinions. Its about facts.

I used to bleieve in this country, my God, I know I really did. I cannot say that anymore. Not only do I not believe, I am abhorred and ashamed. Think about this piece in the context of Katrina and what Katrina expsoed for all the world to see, and its not pretty.

Parhaps someday I will believe in this country again; I ferevntly hope that I will. But now? That is an impossibility, unless I ignore reality, which many people, including our President, are happy to do every day. In some ways, (if they didn't have so much power and influence) I don't blame them.

I hate the fact that I know what I know, that I've seen what I've seen, that i see my flag and think what I think. Sure, we have some great moments in the past. But the overall sum?? It is too terrible to think of.

I truly am deeply sorry if this post shatters anyone's belief in their country. God Bless America? Bah. God is certaily not smiling on us, we don't smile on many other people so we should not expect it.

They say that the truth shall set you free. I would rather return to my blindness, my ignorance, my slavery of my idealism.

Whoever said "IGNORANCE IS BLISS," I would say to them no one ever uttered true words anytime, anywhere.

Still, maybe I'm stupid, maybe I'm hopless, maybe it will kill me, but i will always fight the good fight, and maybe when I'm 100 years old, I can look with more pride on my flag than shame again. Maybe. Until then my heart has become an emotionless, unfeeling object. It was so overwhelmed by recent realizations, it cannot feel. Or Love. An indiviaul yes. But the bog picture? Juts buy a bucket of black paint and that is what we have.

Still, the truth is the truth. And there is a beauty, though terrible, in the calrity, the unidisputability of it. I will preent it to you all later tonight. Again, I am sorry if it makes you miserable. But it is what it is, and there's no denying it.

Enjoy you faitha nd your idealism while it a lasts. And if you want to hold onto it, read the news anymore. Pretend everything will be ok, that America is a land of promise and freedom, and that we are the numebr one friend of liberty and human rights in the world. I wish to God I could...

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