Sunday, June 18, 2006



funny shizzle!

Non cheapo guys... where are you? - 27
Reply to:
Date: 2006-06-18, 3:15PM EDT

I'm really sick of dating cheap guys. I make my own money and don't need someone else's, but I keep dating men who think it's ok to 1) steal cable because the cable companies are "evil" anyway 2) buy a sweater, wear it for a day, and then return it 3) claim he is in the military so he doesn't have to pay full price for movie tickets. !!! It really turns me off.

I have scruples and morals, am fit, gainfully employed, college educated, and not bad to look at. I think it's meaningless to say that I'm "attractive" when looks are entirely subjective. I'm confident in my appearance and will send you pictures, and you can decide for yourself. If you have manners, are college-educated, and think it's egregious to not tip the waitstaff because they were late in serving you, then I want to meet you. Please don't be racist either, because that is a turnoff to me as well.

* this is in or around Boston
* no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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